These Videos Make the ASUS Transformer Pad Infinity One of the Most Desirable Android Tablets We’ve Ever Seen

The Transformer Pad Infinity is ASUS’ new flagship tablet and the company doesn’t leave any stone unturned to ensure that its latest tablet is worthy of being called its greatest. And judging by the amazing detail presented in this new video series, you’ll agree that ASUS has put a great deal of thought in developing the Transformer Pad Infinity. From its full 1920×1200 Full HD IPS display that’s been specifically developed to pack in as much pixels as possible without sacrificing brightness and performance, to the aircraft quality forged aluminium body and nano-moulded plastics that bond at the nano level to the aluminium, the videos create the impression that the Transformer Pad Infinity as one of the most, if not the most desirable tablet you can buy. And if the rumoured Nexus Tablet that is said to be developed by ASUS, is given the same care and attention as the Transformer Pad Infinity, its reasonable to conceive that you will be seeing more ASUS tablets that you’re used too Head over to after the jump for more videos.


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