How To Create iPhone Apps With No Programming Experience
I saw this in a website writing a person who earns $27,249 in One Day with just an iFart application for IPhone apps. The Iphone apps is really making most people rich who knows how to create them.

Here's the review on that website
Future iPhone App Kingpin,
Steve Jobs wants to make people like you and me rich.
The magic word is "iPhone."
Sure it's made Apple BILLIONS, but for once the big guys are sharing the wealth. You see, the iPhone is just an expensive paper weight without applications (Apps). The Apps transform a simple iPhone into a productivity, entertainment, and reference powerhouse.
Apple has helped its customers download over 4 BILLION Apps in the last 3 years.
But here's the deal...
Apple isn't in the business of creating Apps. They want YOU to create them. Once you create them, they will put your App in front of MILLIONS with the click of a button. What happens next is magical. You make cash (lots of it); all with Apple's enthusiastic blessing.
A year ago, my friend and I were talking about the launch of a completely obnoxious iPhone App called iFart.
The App is simple. Press a button and completely embarrass everyone in the room. It's a gag...that made its creators over $27,000 in a single day.
Now, although the gross and obnoxious category was taken, I had a few ideas that I was sure would be great Apps.
The problem was that we didn't know how to get them created or published in the Apple App Store.
I couldn't let the idea go. So I went on a crash course.
I read every book, article, whitepaper, FAQ and blog with information on how to create successful iPhone Apps. I tried learning App programming languages and hung out in forums and blogs that shared tricks and strategies.
In the end, I almost gave up!
It was just too much work! In my gut, I suspected that developing iPhone Apps had to be MUCH easier.
Then it hit me.
Here's the review on that website
Future iPhone App Kingpin,
Steve Jobs wants to make people like you and me rich.
The magic word is "iPhone."
Sure it's made Apple BILLIONS, but for once the big guys are sharing the wealth. You see, the iPhone is just an expensive paper weight without applications (Apps). The Apps transform a simple iPhone into a productivity, entertainment, and reference powerhouse.
Apple has helped its customers download over 4 BILLION Apps in the last 3 years.
But here's the deal...
Apple isn't in the business of creating Apps. They want YOU to create them. Once you create them, they will put your App in front of MILLIONS with the click of a button. What happens next is magical. You make cash (lots of it); all with Apple's enthusiastic blessing.
iFart Makes $27,249 in One Day - Why Is This Great News For You?
A year ago, my friend and I were talking about the launch of a completely obnoxious iPhone App called iFart.
The App is simple. Press a button and completely embarrass everyone in the room. It's a gag...that made its creators over $27,000 in a single day.
Now, although the gross and obnoxious category was taken, I had a few ideas that I was sure would be great Apps.
The problem was that we didn't know how to get them created or published in the Apple App Store.
I couldn't let the idea go. So I went on a crash course.
I read every book, article, whitepaper, FAQ and blog with information on how to create successful iPhone Apps. I tried learning App programming languages and hung out in forums and blogs that shared tricks and strategies.
In the end, I almost gave up!
It was just too much work! In my gut, I suspected that developing iPhone Apps had to be MUCH easier.
Then it hit me.
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