Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Compared: Xiaomi Mi 4 specs versus other flagship smart phones

The Xiaomi Mi 4 was just announced a few moments ago and it boast an upmarket design with updated hardware. While it isn’t packing a higher resolution Quad HD display or a newer generation of Snapdragon 805 processors, Xiaomi is calling it the fastest smart phone yet. To see how it compares with the rest of the Android players, we stack up the Mi 4 numbers against the OnePlus One, LG G3, Oppo Find 7, HTC One M8, Samsung Galaxy S5 and the Sony Xperia Z2.
Internally, the Mi 4 matches up with other flagship models that were launched in the last quarter with the usual 2.5GHz Quad-Core Snapdragon 801 processor, 3GB of RAM and comes with a choice of 16GB and 64GB storage capacity. Like its previous Mi 3 smart phone, it still lacks microSD expansion and the only exterior slot is for a micro-SIM card.


(click to enlarge>
The front display is a similar Full HD 5-incher but Xiaomi has improved its single-handed usability by narrowing its bezels and overall width. Compared with the other models, the Mi 4 has the smallest width and shortest height. Thickness wise, the Mi 4 is on par with OnePlus One and the LG G3 at 8.9mm. In terms of weight, the metal body construction does add to the bulk, weighing in at 149 grams which surprisingly is the same as the LG G3. Both of them are negligible 4 grams heavier than the Galaxy S5 and HTC One E8.
In the camera department, the Mi 4 is now sporting an updated 13MP IMX214 Sony sensor which is similarly used on the Oppo Find 7 and OnePlus One. For taking Selfies, it gets the biggest pixel count here with a wide angle 8MP camera.
At the time of writing, the Mi 4 is available in 3 versions – 3G (CDMA), 3G (WCDMA) and 4G (TDD-LTE/TD-SCDMA). The Mi 4 4G model isn’t compatible with our Malaysian 4G operators as we are using the FDD-LTE standard. However Xiaomi promises that a FDD-LTE variant will be introduced later this year and hopefully we won’t have to wait too long for that to be released here. So if you’re planning to get one directly from China, you better get the 3G WCDMA version. Read our Mi 4 announcement post for further details.
So which flagship smart phone would you go for? Leave your thoughts in the comments below.

Mini Superleggera Vision

开蓬小跑 Mini Superleggera Vision

Mini Cooper 以 精致小巧的特点,加上 Mr Bean 豆豆先生的“代言”下,热爱它的车迷遍布全世界。它来自英国,过去曾被多间名厂家收购管理,车款造型保守而知名度 一般般。之后在BMW集团的管理下,大胆挑战保守的设计路线,多种车型的车款被推出,昔日迷你光辉又回到人们的眼前。

这一次 BMW 找来了意大利著名的车身设计厂 Touring Superleggera,来为 Mini 设计全新的车型路线。设计就是要创新,意大利人就大胆的为 Mini 打造了一款开蓬小跑车,全新的设计在 Mini 家族中可谓前所未有。

长 长的引擎盖、无框车头大镜、车后大片的背鳍、圆润的车灯设计,大胆中又保留着 Mini 家族的特色,新鲜中又带着浓浓的复古风,非常好看!设计中 的 Mini Touring Superleggera 为开篷车,只有两个座位,和日系经典车 Honda S2000 类似。

车内也有着浓浓的复古味,三幅式方向盘上没有多余的按键,只有一颗BOOST 按钮,估计是能提升动力的装置。方向盘后有一个简单的LCD转速表,能显示各种资讯。整个车舱作为采用可可色皮革缝制,复古典雅。

中控台高度采用电子控制,所以传统的手刹车和排档杆等,都设计得简单大方。中间有个一圆形荧幕,能当作GPS 导航来操作,也能变成称职的多媒体播放器,和 Mini 经典的设计一样,但更为简约精巧。

目前这款 Mini Touring Superleggera 还只是一款艺术品,只供人们欣赏,没有任何推出的消息流出。喜欢这款 Mini 的车迷们,就先看看图片过过干瘾吧~

Nissan Teana 2014





此篇的汽车细节就少许带过,主要还是报价跟优惠,试驾的话大家就有劳还是上去看之前的试驾呱 =D

2.0XE RM139,800——比上一代便宜了RM2,000左右
2.0XL RM149,800——新规格
2.5XV RM169,900——比上一代便宜了RM3,200左右

所 以很明显,陈唱这次大动作的推出 Teana,就是要与目前市场上最夯的 D 级车 Accord 分庭抗礼。当然两辆车都有著非常不同的个性,消费者究竟会倾心于非常商务、年轻的 Accord;还是贯彻了高舒适、高规格 Bose 音响的 Teana,这就见仁见智了!








另 一件事就是:陈唱也将于马来西亚 V-Kool 合作,可在购买新车时,直接加购 V-Kool 最新的 4 mil 隔热贴纸,原价为RM 4,200,陈唱表示,随车加购 V-Kool 将直接给予半价折扣!(该说挺诱人的还是该说平时 V-Kool 赚好爽?XD)


最后一件也是最重要的一件事,那就是陈唱也同时宣布,全新的 Teana 将与以下银行合作:

Public Bank
Hong Leong Bank
Alliance Bank
RHB Bank
Affin Bank

与上面所合作之银行贷款购买 Teana 新车,将可获得 2.48%的超低利息计算!



千匹马力,百万售价 @ Koenigsegg Agera S

Koenigsegg 这个纯手工打造的超级跑车,也许不是每个人都认识,甚至连它的名字都念不出来,但看过 《Need For Speed》电影的你,应该猜得到它有着惊人的天价,来衬托它精致尊贵的地位。随着本地 NAZA GROUP 旗下的 Naza Swedish Motor正式开张,Koenigsegg Agera S 也正式的在本地发售,价钱从马币五百万(RM 5,000,000)起,还未包括任何税务。


这会是大家的第一个反应吧?马币五百万的售价,确实不是每个人都能想象,而且在一众本地发售的超跑车款中,它的售价傲视群雄,远远把对手如: FerrariPorscheLamborghini等车款抛在后头!前阵子发布不久的 Ferrari California T,最低价也只需 RM 888,888 起而已。

Koenigsegg Agera S 的车身采用纯手工打造,是一款追求极致轻量化和马力的车款。虽然 Koenigsegg 成立到现在也不过20多年的时间,但它的外形设计已经非常具有自己的特色,宽扁矮的车身,加上和飞机座舱造型般的车头大镜,犹如一辆马路上的飞机,仿佛加上机翼就能冲天飞起。这特别的飞机机舱设计,让人想起了过去曾风靡一时的 Saab 汽车。

Agera S 讲究轻量化,任何能降低重量的部分,都已炭纤维(carbon fiber)打造,就连车架和轮圈也不例外。全炭纤维制造的承载式车架,加上油箱的重量也只有70KG。 Koenigsegg 自家打造的Aircore 中空炭纤维轮圈,除了中间连接处以合金打造外,其余部分全由炭纤维打造,使其重量比一般跑车轮圈减少41%。前轮尺寸为19寸,后轮为20寸。

Agera S 的动力来自一颗自家研发的 5.0 升 V8 双涡轮+机械增压的引擎,经过特别调校后,能适应其他国家等级较低的汽油,还能挤出 1030 HP @ 7100 RPM 的马力,和最大1100 NM @ 4100 RP的扭力,而且早在 2700 RPM 就能突破 1000 Nm 扭力大关,让它的静止加速能力达到0-100 KMH @ 2.9秒、0-200 KMH @ 7.9秒、0-300-0 KMH @ 22.7秒,而极速测试中突破时速 400 KMH 的大关。

作为一款能突破时速 400 KMH 的超级跑车,高速中车辆轻飘飘反而成为了致命危机,因此 Koenigsegg 就特别将前防撞杆做了一些扰流的设计,让 Agera S 达到时速 250KMH 时,可增加 40KG 的下压力,若加上尾翼等其他部分的加持,总下压力可达到 300 KG

极致的轻量化让 Koenigsegg 不得不研发更有效率的悬挂系统,因此Agera S 的悬挂系统也成为了极具特色的部分之一。前面采用 Double Wishbone 双横臂 + 2节可调式油气避震器,而后方则采用 Koenigsegg创办人自己研发的 Tripex Damper 系统。 Tripex Damper 系统能使两个后轮互相产生影响,以提升过弯轨迹的处理,和防止后坐作用(本地俗称“起头”),同时还能降低车重。加上抓地力辅助装置,还能有效防止后轮打滑、减少干燥与湿滑路面的操控差距等等。Koenigsegg 也为 Agera S 增加一些 F1 赛车的功能,让车主可以自行调整操控辅助的强度,提升驾驶乐趣。

Agera S 完成时速 0-300-0 KMH 的测试中,只花了 22.7秒便完成,这一切除了要归功于那狂暴的V8 引擎外,还得依靠那强大的刹车系统。Agera S的刹车系统选用目前最高级的陶瓷刹车盘,宽度和厚度为(前)397mm x 40mm(后)380mm x 34mm。前者选用6活塞卡钳,而后者则为4活塞卡钳。唯有如此奢华的刹车系统,才能制止住这千匹马力的怪兽。

Koenigsegg Agera S 是一款追求极致的超级跑车,虽然品牌的历史不算长,但它那极致的动力表现、极致轻量的车重、纯手工打造的车体、当然还包括它极致的售价,都足以媲美其他老牌超跑大厂。如此想了想,突然觉得马币5百万的身价,似乎还蛮合理的,前提是我有极致充裕的经济条件下......

Monday, July 21, 2014

Perodua ‘Axia’ Global EEV leaked!

An undisguised photo of what appears to be Perodua’s next car was leaked onto the internet today. The photo seems to have been snapped inside some kind of storage area. Today we’ll show you an artist’s impression based on that photo, prepared by our rendering whiz buddy Theophilus Chin.
The design of the car that was leaked looks rather radical, like an interpretation of the Lexus spindle grille on a small hatchback. This leads us to believe that this will not be how the basic model will look like. It could be some kind of ‘Axia SE’ or ‘Axia Extreme’ model, if Perodua continues with the Myvi variant naming scheme.
A tamer look would be quite suitable for the baseline model – can you imagine the streets filled with angry-looking hatchbacks like this?
Will the new hatchback be called the Perodua Axia?
Perodua filed for the trademark ‘Axia’ with the Intellectual Property Corporation of Malaysia (MyIPO) in February 2014, under class 12 and class 37, which are generally car-related. Then in late May 2014, it filed for two additional trademarks – ‘Atrivia’ and ‘Eliana’, under the same classes.
When the Axia name was discovered, Perodua president Datuk Aminar Rashid Salleh said it was not the only name submitted, and that Perodua had not decided on a name. So it could either be Axia, Atrivia or Eliana for now. Which name do you prefer? We like Axia, as it’s short, sweet, and follows Perodua’s current two-syllable, four-letter naming convention.
Is this new Perodua based on a Daihatsu car?
The two photos above show a Daihatsu Ayla with light disguise running around with a trade plate in Malaysia. Perodua says its new Global EEV hatchback will be built on a licensed Daihatsu platform, but will use its own body. The Daihatsu Ayla itself is based on the Japanese market Daihatsu Mira e:S, and the new Perodua will likely share this platform as well.
From the leaked photo, it looks like Perodua has gone with the tried and tested formula of giving a Daihatsu its own-designed front and rear end. The whole front end, including the headlamps, are bespoke. The big gaping mouth design seems to have been inspired by the original Daihatsu design but in inverted fashion – while the Daihatsu grille is wider at the top, Perodua’s grille is wider at the bottom.
What will the interior look like?
Perodua gave us a preview of what the new hatchback’s interior will look like at last year’s KLIMS13 motor show. There was a model interior on show called the Perodua Global Model A (GMA) Segment Space concept.
Compare it to the Daihatsu Ayla’s interior as well as the Mira e:S interior and you can see that the Perodua interior is closer to the more conventional-looking Ayla interior styling rather than the Mira e:S interior, which is done in a quirkier Japanese style.
What engines will the new hatchback be available with?
So far we’ve only heard of a single engine, and it was previewed at last year’s KLIMS13 show as well. Perodua calls it the 1KR, obviously based on Daihatsu’s 1KR-FE three-cylinder engine. The 998cc all-aluminium 12-valve DOHC engine (first for a Perodua) will produce 66 PS at 5,000 rpm and 87 Nm of torque at 3,600 rpm. Compression ratio has been increased to 11:1, however the new engine lacks variable valve timing.
Being made of aluminium, it weighs 69 kg, which is 10 kg lighter than the 1.0 litre cast iron block engine that Perodua currently uses. This is the same engine used in the Daihatsu Ayla, where it is mated to either a five-speed manual or a four-speed automatic.
Perodua claims the new engine will be able to deliver a minimum fuel consumption of 20-22 km per litre. The Ayla is claimed to be able to do that, which qualifies it for Indonesia’s Low Cost Green Car programme requirements.
Where will the new Perodua be built?
Daihatsu Kyushu-7
The new Perodua will be built at a new Perodua factory which is currently being built next to the current one. The new RM790 million 65,000 sq ft factory is said to mirror Daihatsu Motor Kyushu’s best practices, technology and low defect rate – we’ve detailed some of those in a visit to DKC’s Nakatsu Plant 2 last year. All key features of Nakatsu Plant 2, from the jigless concept to slippers and water-based paint, will be emulated by the new Perodua plant. A group of 130 Perodua staff have undergone training at DKC, and will be the ‘trainers’ back in Malaysia.
“The new plant will have an improved DPU rate of 0.05%, which is a world standard. We plan to achieve a world-class level through this new plant,” Perodua executive director Zainal Abidin Ahmad told us, adding that the current DPU rate at Perodua is between 0.06% and 0.08%.
When is the launch date?
Perodua has remained tight-tipped on this so far, but we’re fairly sure it will be launched this year. It’s the year of the small hatchbacks, with the market eagerly awaiting for both the Perodua hatchback and the Proton GSC to be launched.
They don’t compete in the same segment though, with the Proton GSC gunning for the B-segment market (Kia Rio, Perodua Myvi) while this new Perodua is an A-segment car (Kia Picanto, Hyundai i10).

Saturday, July 19, 2014

2014 All-New Honda Jazz Launched In Malaysia: Three Variants From RM73k

At long last, Honda Malaysia has finally taken the covers off the all-new 2014 Honda Jazz. The B-segment hotshot is available in three variants locally, with prices for the all-new model listed as such (all prices include insurance):
  •     Honda Jazz S: RM72, 800
  •     Honda Jazz E: RM79, 800
  •     Honda Jazz V: RM87, 800
*Out-going Honda Jazz Petrol: RM74,813
Buyer’s Guide:
Unless you’ve lived under a rock all this while, you’ll know that the Honda Jazz has always been one of the most space-efficient vehicles ever made, courtesy of the car’s compact suspension and engine bay, impressively ergonomic and practical interior, and well-balanced performance and fuel economy. The best part? All that we’ve just mentioned is available across all available variants.
2014 Honda Jazz
Even still, a key thing to note here is the Honda Jazz S variant’s super affordable price tag. Undeniably, local models like the Perodua Myvi have a new thing to worry about, with a much more equipped and practical Jazz hot on its heels.
  •     Engine: 1.5-litre SOHC i-VTEC
  •     Transmission: Continuously Variable Transmission (CVT automatic)
  •     Power: 120PS @ 6,600rpm
  •     Torque: 145Nm @ 4,600rpm
  •     Fuel consumption: 17.81 km/litre (manufacturer's data, New European Driving Cycle)
The all-new Honda Jazz features the same  powertrain  as the recently-launched all-new Honda City, which is also a carry forward of the previous-generation’s 1.5-litre i-VTEC engine. The continuously variable automatic transmission (CVT) however, is an all-new unit, also shared with the City (previous Jazz used a five-speed torque converter automatic). Engine performance figures are also match the City like for like. As a result of these powertrain upgrades, Honda states the new model is able to achieve up to 17.81km per litre of fuel.
Exterior Styling:
The all-new Jazz is now 55mm longer  than before (3,955mm total), whilst maintaining  its width (1,695 mm) and height (1,525 mm). Its wheelbase has however been extended by 30 mm, to 2,530 mm, thus allowing more space for its Ultra Seats to offer a new and fourth configuration, but more on that later.
But while the overall proportions of the car is largely retained, the all-new Jazz does adopt Honda’s new “Exciting H Design” front-end styling, and a few new curves all around that are shared between the variants. Unique to the Jazz V are a set of 16-inch alloys, where the Jazz S and E get 15-inchers.
With regards to the colour of the car, you may have seen the all-new Jazz in an attractive shade of yellow through news being posted on Live Life Drive, but don’t get too attached just yet: Honda Malaysia won’t be offering it here, yet. Good news then if you fancied the shade of Blue (brilliant sporty blue metallic) featured on the all-new City, because that will be available.
2014 Honda Jazz
Interior Design:
Inside, each of three Honda Jazz variants share large similarities, while of course, the more premium features are reserved for the higher-range Jazz E and Jazz V. Fabric seats are offered throughout, and so are Honda’s magic “Ultra Seats” which now folds in four different modes of use: Utility, Long, Tall and a new, fourth, Refresh mode – both the front  seats can be folded flat with the rear seats, turning it into a makeshift bed.

2014 Honda Jazz
Elsewhere, what you see here may also be quite familiar to you, with the Jazz sharing a similar design language with the all-new Honda City. In the base Jazz S, you get the same single-DIN audio head unit with four speakers, while the highest-spec Jazz V features the full-on seven-inch display audio system with six speakers, and touch panel auto air-conditioning.
The instrument cluster is slightly different from the City with triple binnacles, one being an LCD display for the trip computer. And in case you were wondering, there are a total of NINE cupholders in the all-new Jazz.
Just like the City, the all-new Honda Jazz kicks things off with a respectable amount of safety features, which humbly begins in the Jazz S with dual front airbags, ISOFIX child-seat anchors, an anti-lock braking system, electronic brake distribution and brake assist.
All the way up to the Jazz V, and there’s a list that’s further commendable, and includes a total of six airbags, a Vehicle Stability Assist system (Honda’s equivalent of an ESC/ESP), Hill-Start Assist and more.

2014 Honda Jazz
Mugen And Modulo Bodykits
Honda is also offering optional RM4, 900 Mugen and RM2, 650 Modulo package for those of you who want to spice up your Jazz. The Mugen kit consists of a front under spoiler, Mugen-specific alloy wheels, a rear under spoiler, side under spoilers, a rear spoiler and Mugen emblem.
The cheaper Modulo package however adds only a front under spoiler, a rear under spoiler, side under spoilers and sports pedals. Both Mugen and Modulo kitted Jazz get the regular three-knob air conditioning control, rather than the touchscreen one.
2014 Honda Jazz
Buyer’s Guide:
There really isn’t any dispute about the all-new 2014 Honda Jazz’s appeal, ability, practicality and affordability. In the past, it’s been a timeless solution for everyday urban mobility, and now, while the all-new Jazz may not offer more than a handful of changes from before, it’s an evolution of a formula that’s been tried, tested and loved all over.
And because the Jazz now comes in three guises, there really is something for everyone. The flocks of buyers who’ve naturally swayed towards the Perodua Myvi will have a whole new thing to consider, with the all-new Jazz’s cost of ownership nearly matching what some Myvi variants offer.
The new Jazz is offered in five colour choices - Brilliant Sporty Blue, Taffeta White, Crystal Black Pearl, Tinted Silver and Modern Steel Metallic. Customers also get a five-year warranty with unlimited mileage. Options for the new Jazz include:
  •     DVD Navigation Package - RM3, 220
  •     Utility Package - RM1, 250
Check out Carlist.my's 2014 Honda Jazz Info Hub for everything you need to know about the all-new B-segmenter.
Key spec highlights of each variant:
2014 Honda Jazz S
  •     Halogen headlights
  •     LED tail lights
  •     Amber multi-info display
  •     Single-DIN audio
  •     Four speakers
  •     Dual front SRS airbags
  •     ABS, EBD, BA
2014 Honda Jazz E adds to the above:
  •     Front grille in high-gloss black with chrome plating
  •     Keyless entry with push start button
  •     Steering wheel audio controls
  •     Power adjustable door mirrors
  •     Standard Audio system
  •     Hill-start assist
  •     Emergency Stop Signal
  •     Vehicle Stability Assist
2014 Honda Jazz V adds to the above:
  •     Door mirrors with turn signals
  •     Leather steering wheel and gear knob
  •     Power retractable wing mirrors
  •     7-inch Display Audio sound system
  •     Touch Panel Auto air-conditioning
  •     Dual USB sockets
  •     HDMI socket
  •     Voice and Hands-Free steering switch controls
  •     Six airbags


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